Providing protection
for you and your dependents
Critical Illness Cover
Illness is sadly a fact of life. Some illnesses might take a few days to get over but others can be far more serious and involve months or even years of treatment. Critical Illness cover is designed to pay out a lump sum, giving you valuable cash to help you manage through recovery and beyond. The money is tax free and you have total discretion as to how you use it.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance is designed to pay out a lump sum to your loved one’s if you pass away or are diagnosed with a terminal illness with short life expectancy. It can be used to help pay off a mortgage or to provide a regular income for your family.
“Special shoutout to Ben and Jess as they were both absolutely amazing at making us feel like no question was silly or query too much. They honestly have your best interests at heart”
— Charlotte Wright, Facebook Review